
Astigmatism – Optometrist Hurstville

What is Astigmatism?

Astigmatism is a common and typically curable curvature of the eye that produces blurry distant, and close vision.

Astigmatism develops when the curves on the eye’s front surface (cornea) or the lens within the eye are misaligned. It is egg-shaped rather than spherical, as in a round ball. This produces eyesight blur at all distances.Astigmatism is often present from birth and may coexist with nearsightedness or farsightedness. Often, it is not severe enough to need remedial action. When this occurs, the only treatment choices are corrective lenses or surgery.

What are the symptoms of Astigmatism?

Astigmatism symptoms might vary from person to person. Some folks don’t experience any symptoms at all. Astigmatism’s key symptoms include:

  • A vision that is unclear, distorted, or fuzzy at all distances (up close and far away)
  • Night vision problems
  • Eyestrain
  • Squinting
  • Eye discomfort
  • headaches

Consult an optometrist if you are experiencing astigmatism symptoms. Some symptoms may be caused by other health or eyesight issues.

What are the causes of Astigmatism?

It is unknown what causes astigmatism. However, heredity plays a significant role. It is often present from birth, although it might appear later. Astigmatism may also happen as a consequence of an eye injury or after eye surgery. It is often associated with nearsightedness as well as farsightedness.

Keratoconus, an uncommon disorder, may also cause astigmatism. The cornea is affected by this eye illness, causing the transparent tissue on the person’s cornea to thin and protrude out. This causes foggy or fuzzy vision as well as sensitivity to even slightly bright lights. Keratoconus has no recognized etiology. However, it is thought to be genetic.

The cornea and lens at the front of the eye are generally circular. This helps to tightly concentrate light rays onto the retina, allowing you to see clearly.

Light rays do not refract (or bend) appropriately when they enter the front of the eye in those who have astigmatism. Light beams can fall short of or beyond the retina, causing hazy vision at close and vast distances.

People with astigmatism may also have the following refractive errors:

  • Nearsightedness (myopia) (myopia). This occurs when the cornea is overly curled, or the eye is longer than typical. Light is concentrated in front of the retina rather than on the retina, making distant things seem hazy.
  • Farsightedness (hyperopia). This happens when the cornea is not curled enough or the eye is shorter than usual. The result is the inverse of nearsightedness. When the eye is relaxed, light never focuses on the rear of the eye, making adjacent things seem fuzzy.

What are the significant demographics or behaviours that are at risk of Astigmatism?

Astigmatism may affect both children and adults. If you have any of the following conditions, you may be more likely to acquire astigmatism:

  • a history of astigmatism or other eye diseases in the family, including keratoconus (corneal degeneration) 
  • Cornea scarring or thinning
  • extreme nearsightedness
  • excessive farsightedness
  • a background in certain forms of eye surgery, including cataract surgery

How is Astigmatism diagnosed?

Visual acuity evaluation

During this exam, your optometrist will ask you to read letters off a chart at a specified distance to determine how well you can see them.

Refraction examination

An optical refractor is used in refraction testing. The machine features many corrective lenses made of glass of varying strengths. The optometrist will have you read a chart through various strengths of the glass lenses on the refractor. They’ll finally find one that corrects your eyesight properly.


Keratometry is a technique used by optometrists to determine your cornea’s curvature. They will accomplish this by using a keratometer to examine your eye.

How is Astigmatism treated?

Lenses for correction

The most popular and least intrusive treatments for astigmatism are prescription eyeglasses and contact lenses.

Orthokeratology (Ortho-K)

This is a procedure that employs stiff contact lenses to fix your cornea’s uneven curvature temporarily. You will need to use them for short periods, for instance, while sleeping and then take them off throughout the day.When having Ortho-K, some patients experience clear vision throughout the day with no need for corrective glasses. The advantages of Orthokeratology are only apparent when it is used. After you stop using Ortho-K, your eyesight will return to normal.

Laser eye surgery

If you have a serious condition, your optometrist may propose refractive surgery. This procedure includes reshaping your cornea using lasers or little knives. This will fix your astigmatism indefinitely.

How to avoid Astigmatism?

There is currently no recognized technique to avoid astigmatism. If you have keratoconus, avoid rubbing your eyes as much as possible.